
©   Copyright 2005 - 2025  Zen Boxing.          All rights reserved. 

Zen Boxing

The Ancestors and lineage of our system come from a long line of Oriental Masters who taught the Arts and Sciences of Self Defence including Kung Fu, Silat, T'ai Chi, and Boxing.

Our purpose is to create a non competitive, non ranking, yet disciplined learning environment.  

Our intent is to provide a means of educating the public in the ancient way and disciplines of self.

Movement overcomes coldness, stillness overcomes heat, the serene and passive are guides for all, one works with the nature of things, not against it. The wise will accept this and work hard without allegiance to words, for everything is self doing, not saying.

Meditation and movement is taught along with yoga breath. The ancient movements and science were designed to balance and restore self to the wholeness. Preserving the teachings of the Great Grand Master Liu Seong (Willem Reeders) as they were passed on to Grand Master Arthur Sykes.                 
